Lunchbox Lovin’

Every morning at drop off when your child leaves your car, they are exiting the cozy cocoon of Mommy, Daddy, and home, and entering another safe space called School. School has it’s own rhythm, comforts, and sense of belonging for our children too. But half way through every single day, our kids get experience all the feels of home when they open up their lunch box. It is always exciting for them to see what Mom and Dad packed for lunch, and whether or not there are any treats included!

As a teacher, I love this moment. I love seeing the feels ripple through the children, and the smiles on their faces as they dig in. But there is more ways for us to increase this bonding with our children, and its really very simple – make it personal!

1) Include Lunch Notes

Although Toddlers are not reading yet, they will love looking at the pictures and observing the letters! I absolutely adore this idea from Family Magazine for elementary age students! Print, cut out, and slip inside their lunch box.


2) Special Snack

Include a small treat in your child’s lunch for them to enjoy after their main dish! Whatever you choose to do, it doesn’t have to be perfect, just full of love!

Enjoy & Have fun!




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