Resources for Our Parents and Students
From Baby to Mama’s Helper
We sat down with our very own toddler teacher Miss Eva to ask her advice on the best way to prep your toddler for a new baby.
Five Swoon Worthy Stacking Toys
We all sort of just know in the backs of our minds that stacking toys are the “it” toy for our one year olds, but we seldom stop and wonder, “why”?
Toddlers & Water
There is just something about water that gets the little ones all intrigued. Maybe its the sounds it makes as it swooshes around a cup or a sink, or the way it makes everything way more fun.
On Our Bookshelves This Month
It is super important to always keep things fresh on the bookshelf and provide the children with beautiful and quality books for them to dive into.
Bringing Books Back
In an age when screens and blue light are taking over our children’s lives more and more parents are seeking out ways to bring back good old fashioned paper backs.
The 4 C’s of Parenting
We totally stand behind these “Four C’s of Parenting” for simple advice to get back on track until school starts again.
Lunchbox Lovin’
Every morning at drop off when your child leaves your car, they are exiting the cozy cocoon of Mommy, Daddy, and home, and entering another safe space called School.
Montessori Myths: Debunked
Let’s debunk some of the most common myths surrounding the Montessori education method.
The Magic Question: “Why?”
We’ve pretty much all been in that situation at one time or another where a pint sized philosopher is probing at the great wonders of the world, and we’re left wondering when will the chain of “Why?” questions end.
Tuesday Toys & Books
Just in time for Chanukah, here are 8 book suggestions for your toddler, or a great gift for another!
Friday Food Ideas: The Scent of Chanukah
Jewish holidays all have traditional foods associated with them. And not merely because they became traditions, but because the food themselves represents a very deep, very essential part of the holiday.